Class FAQ's

Question? How do I contact Mr. Boyden?

Mr. Boyden's cell phone: 408-839-5025
Mr. Boyden's e-mail:

Mr. Boyden has a full time job outside of PFA. Contacting him during work hours 8 am to 6 pm may not get a return call or text until he is home in the evening.

Question? How will the class be graded?

Answer: High School students receive grades by quarter and semester, with each semester graded separately. Progress reports (issued mid-quarter) will be given to students with a grade of 'D' or lower.

Questions on the progress of a student may be requested and/or discussed by contacting Mr. Boyden at any point in the school year.

* Class Assignments (35 % of overall grade)

No late assignments will be accepted, with the exception for excused absence. See PFA Handbook for school policy.

* Chapter Quizzes (30 % of overall grade)

Make-ups for quizzes and tests will be allowed only in the case of an excused absence.

* Midterm (15% of overall grade) This will cover the first 4 - 5 chapters, semester to date.

* Final (15% of overall grade) This will cover the second 4 - 6 chapters, semester to date.

* Class participation (5% of overall grade)


Question? Testing - Chapter, Midterm and Final

Answer: Chapter quizzes, Midterm and Final will be given on line through this web site, to be proxied by a parent. All quizzes and tests will be closed book and closed notes, but open minds.


Question? What is the class homework policy?

Homework will be assigned most school days, to be completed by the following school day. Homework must be typed and emailed to Mr Boyden, by 8:30 am on the date due, or by 8:30 pm on the date due (which will receive 20% off), after 8:30 pm home will not be accepted. Certain homework assignments will be specifically designated as to be printed. No late homework will be accepted other than for excused absence (see Late Homework Policy).

The purpose of homework is to enhance student achievement; to help students become self-governing and self-directed, independent learners; and to develop good work habits.  Homework will be assigned to be completed outside of the student's day for Practice to help students master specific skills which have been presented in class; for Preparation to help students gain the maximum benefits from future lessons; for Extension to provide students with opportunities to transfer specific skills or concepts to new situations; for Creativity to require students to integrate many skills or concepts in order to produce original responses.


Question? Will there be movie nights?
Answer: Our class will include the required watching of one movie per quarter, outside of class, as assigned homework. Students may join Mr. Boyden at his home on the scheduled viewing date to view the movie or watch it elsewhere (proxied / verified by a parent). A report or questions to be answered regarding the movie will be part of the assignment. This won't be difficult!


Question? Will the class have any extra credit available?

Answer: Yes! Extra credit assignments will be given once during each Quarter. These assignments may overlap into school vacations and/or breaks.


Question? May students talk during World History class?

Answer: Yes! So long as it can be shared with the class and is pertinent to the subject being discussed.


Question? May students eat, drink or chew gum during World History class?

Answer: No! The exception would be if we are celebrating a special class event and food is planned to be shared with everyone.


Question? Are class seats assigned?

Answer: No. During World History, students (and teacher) may sit, stand and move within the classroom, as long as it does not distract others from participating in class discussions. Get out of your comfort zone and see the world in a different way! This does not include getting up to staple, punch holes in papers, etc. That can wait until after class (or before).


Question? Is class participation part of the class grade?

Answer: Yes! Everyone is expected to participate in class. To earn full marks for participation, one need only show up to class, think, form an opinion based on what we are studying and be willing to openly share.


Question? May homework be turned in using pen or pencil?

Answer: No. Work should be typed and emailed. Hand written assignment will not be accepted.

NOTE: Homework questions (from the text) themselves need not be re-typed. See sample homework example in Handouts section of web site.


Question? May students turn assignments in late?

Answer: Yes! But ONLY for excused absence (note must be on file with office when you return to school following an absence). Assignments may be turned in up to one PFA school day late for each day of excused absence (sickness); without penalty (See class Late Assignment Policy Handout or the PFA Handbook). Excused absence does not include sky diving, snow boarding, family outings, etc. as the assignments are posted in advance giving the student time to complete their work.


Example A: You are absent one day (e.g. absent on Tues., returning to school on Thurs.), the assignment due that Tues. will be accepted on the Thurs. you return. Full credit may be earned. The assignment due the day you return to class is due the following Tues. (one extra day). All subsequent assignments remain due per their actual due date.

Example B: You are absent on Tues. and Thurs., returning to school on the following Tues., the assignment due the Tues. you missed will be accepted on the Tues. you return. Full credit may be earned. The assignment due the Thurs. you missed will be accepted in the following Thurs. you come back. Full credit may be earned. The assignment due the day you return to class remains due one week from that day. All subsequent assignments remain due per their due date.

Extra Credit - Late Assignments
Extra Credit assignments will not be accepted later than the due date, unless you are absent due to excused absence. Any Extra Credit will be assigned at least a month in advance, and students will have ample opportunity to complete such assignments.

If a student is out due to excused absence, Extra Credit may be turned in on the next PFA school day attended; without penalty.

No other exceptions will be made.


Question? How Late is Late Homework?


* On Time: Homework emailed on the date due, by 8:30 am, will be considered on time and potentially receive 100% credit.
* On Time: Any assignment turned in due to an excused absence per the above policy. Such assignments are to be typed and printed. 
* Homework emailed before 8:30 pm on the date due, the homework will have 20% deducted from the final score received.
* Homework emailed later than 8:30 pm on the date due, the homework will not be accepted and will receive zero points.


Question? Should students take notes in class?

Answer: Yes! Not all material tested on by quiz or test will come from the text. This is a great place to start taking notes. A benefit of this will be that if a student is absent, his (or her) classmates will have what was covered in class that day.


Question? Should students keep assignments once they have been graded?

Answer: Yes! Keep all assignments that have been graded and returned for the Semester. If, on the off chance that a student sees that something is missing from a Progress Report or Report Card, he (or she) will have the assignment available to correct the report.


Question? Laptops, iPads, texting, iPod, iTouch, mp3 player, cell phone, etc. devices in class?

Answer: Laptops, net books and iPads may be used in class, but only for taking notes; not for working on assignments or web access. Sharing content with classmates during class w9ll result in revoking of this privilege. Mr. Boyden may look at any content during class.

*Using cell phones, texting, iPod, iTouch, mp3 players, etc. are prohibited in class. The device will be confiscated and will be returned to student at end of the school day from the PFA office. A cash fine will levied against the student for each infraction before cell phone, etc. is returned. See PFA Handbook. 

Note: Consider this as your warning.


Question? Restroom breaks during class?

Answer: Use the restroom between classes, not during class. If you must use the restroom, DO NOT ask for permission, just leave discretely and return. If you excuse yourself multiple times in a quarter for the restroom, then we need to talk.